Monday, February 10, 2014

A Mother's Musings on the A.G.E. of a Mission

A.G.E. - Awesome Growth Experiences. As the years go by, and they are certainly going quickly, people have the opportunity to gain wisdom and knowledge.  A few years ago, the last of Bob's parents and my parents passed away. We used to look to our parents for wisdom and knowledge. They had lived through the Great Depression and World War II. They were members of the greatest generation! They were filled with hard-earned wisdom and knowledge. 

Now, Bob and I are the 'wise and knowledgeable' parents. We have grown from our own experiences and it has taken many years, many struggles, many heartaches, many joys, many trials, many frustrations, and many miracles to develop even a smidgen of wisdom and knowledge. 

I would like to propose that the most important fact of knowledge we have learned, that has grown and developed over these many years, is the fact that we have a loving Father in heaven - our Heavenly Father. He lives, loves us, cares for us, watches over us, and because of His perfect love for His children, He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross - for us - that we might live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. Years of going through life and learning to trust God and His Son, to know They are real, They are there for us, and that we can depend on Them, has developed in us a solid foundation of the wisdom to have faith in Them, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Years and years of experiences have contributed to this wisdom and knowledge. What amazes me is that tens of thousands of young men and young women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while still in their teen years, attending college, hanging out with friends, being involved in sports, working at a job, dating, and enjoying activities, choose to leave home, family, friends, sports, college, jobs, dates and activities to go on a mission for their church - two-year missions for the men, 18-month missions for the women. Missionaries are sent all over the world, to many countries, developing and industrialized. If you know someone who served a mission, ask them about their experiences. Their A.G.E. are astounding!

Through the A.G.E. they have while on their missions, these young people develop a deep and abiding love for our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, a strong foundation of wisdom and knowledge. 

Seeing the Bonham Sisters grow in this knowledge and faith in our Lord is amazing! Their faith in God is constantly being stretched. They are learning to love others, to set aside personal desires, and to look to their Heavenly Father for guidance and support. They are learning to trust their Savior, Jesus Christ. They are learning that God loves them, even more than they ever realized before. 

On a mission, a lifetime of experiences get condensed into a few short months. How intense that must be for these young missionaries! As a mother, it would be easy for me to want to protect my girls from these A.G.E. "Too much, too soon", I can feel myself wanting to cry out. Kelli was barely 19-years old and Heidi was not quite 20 1/2 years old when they left for their missions. Do you want to know one of the things that gives me courage to stay here in Utah while our girls go through their own A.G.E. in CA and WA? It is the LDS women I have met and befriended over the years, who themselves were missionaries years ago. When I watch these valiant women living their lives, which at times are filled with very difficult circumstances and situations, they continue to show confidence in, love of, trust in, and service to the Lord. This helps me to know that the knowledge gained from the A.G.E. of a mission will bless the lives of Heidi and Kelli, our family, and their future families forever. The same can be said for other missionaries all over the world.

In the month of February, Sister Heidi Bonham has been called to be a Sister Training Leader and Sister Kelli Bonham has been called to be a Trainer. This means even more opportunities for many more A.G.E. and a stronger foundation of faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. What a blessing!

Kelli needed a blood test and the nurse couldn't find a vein in her, she drew the blood from Kelli's hand. Also, a tooth filling fell out, so she got her tooth refilled by a wonderful dentist who donates his time for the missionaries. Kelli will stay in the Vancouver 1st Ward. She has been there for 4 1/2 months and loves the ward members and the people who are investigating the church. 

After being in Palm Springs for 7 1/2 months, Heidi was transferred to Yucaipa. Here is Heidi on transfer day when she was leaving Palm Springs and the apartment in which she lived while in Palm Springs, the Spanish-speaking Sisters who shared the apartment, the fabulous Palm Springs church, and her companion, Sister Wengreen. 


  1. I commented on this post on FB, but it didn't show up doing it that way. Anyway, I think it's so AWESOME! and I love the pictures (and Kelli's cute hair accessory)! Good job, proud mama!! Both girls truly will have lifetimes of memories...

    1. Thanks, Judy! Kelli's hair accessory is made by a newly baptized member!
